Understanding Partitioning in #Exasol

Exasol introduced Partitioning in version 6.1. This feature helps to improve the performance of statements accessing large tables. As an example, let’s take these two tables:


Say t2 is too large to fit in memory and may get partitioned therefore.

In contrast to distribution, partitioning should be done on columns that are used for filtering:


Now without taking distribution into account (on a one-node cluster), the table t2 looks like this:

Partitioned Table


Notice that partitioning changes the way the table is physically ordered on disk.

A statement like

SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE WhereCol=’A’;

would have to load only the red part of the table into memory. This may show benefits on a one-node cluster as well as on multi-node clusters. On a multi-node cluster, a large table like t2 is distributed across the active nodes. It can additionally be partitioned also. Should the two tables reside on a three-node cluster with distribution on the JoinCol columns and the table t2 partitioned on the WhereCol column, they look like this:

Distributed Partitioned Table


That way, each node has to load a smaller portion of the table into memory if statements are executed that filter on the WhereCol column while joins on the JoinCol column are still local joins.

EXA_(USER|ALL|DBA)_TABLES shows both the distribution key and the partition key if any.

Notice that Exasol will automatically create an appropriate number of partitions – you don’t have to specify that.

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