Installing an #Exasol 6.1 Cluster on VirtualBox

After having installed the latest VirtualBox version, an ISO file with the latest Exasol version has to be downloaded. The machine hosting VirtualBox should have at least 16 GB RAM and 80 GB free disk space in order to run a 2+1 Cluster with 3 data nodes and one license server. I’m doing it on my Windows 10 notebook.

Assigning 1 Processor per VM is sufficient – you may give more to the data nodes if your host supports that.

1.5 GB RAM is sufficient for the License Server and it needs only one disk

Insert the ISO file as a virtual CD

Make sure the License Server boots from CD first

Configure the private Network for the License Server

Configure the public network for the License Server

Now power on the virtual machine just created and configured. It should come up with this screen and you type in install

Tab to OK and press return

Tab to OK and press return

Tab to OK and press return

Choose a password. I used exasol12

Enter the public IP of the License Server. My VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter is configured with – therefore I use It should also work with the VirtualBox Standard setting, in this case use When in doubt, call ipconfig from the command shell.

Tab to OK and press return

The installation started from the last screen took me about 5 Minutes. Now type local and wait for the License Server to boot from disk. You may remove the virtual CD from it afterwards.

Do yourself a favor and pause for 5 Minutes after the machine booted from disk before you try to connect to EXAoperation. I’m using Chrome because it didn’t work well with FireFox:

The default password of the user admin is admin

Congratulation when you see the below screen! This was already the hardest part 🙂

Now add a log service to monitor the following

This helps to follow what happens under the covers for the next steps

Now the first data node is created as a VM first with 3 GB RAM

It gets two disks:

Same two network cards as the License Server and make sure it boots from network only:

Do not yet power on the new data node! Now it’s configured in EXAoperation. Go to Nodes and click Add:


You get the MAC addresses from here:

Now click on the new node to configure it further:

And so forth for the other three storage partitions so that it looks at the end like this:

Pay attention to the sizes and devices before you power on the new VM for the first data node. Then watch the log service. It should look like this:

While that is ongoing, create the VM for the second data node in the same manner as the first before. It should look like this in the end:

Click on the existing node in EXAoperation:

Change the numbers to 12 and the MAC addresses according to their values in the VirtualBox VM

Then after clicking Copy Node power on the VM. After you see it installing in the log service, do the same accordingly for the third data node. Eventually it will then look like this

Now select all nodes and execute the action set active flag

The state changes to Running Active for the three data nodes. Now click Startup Storage Service:

Now click Add Unused Disks after selecting the three data nodes:

Now click Add Volume:

Assign n11 and n12 for the new data volume with redundancy 2:

Add a new database:

Now click on the link underneath the added new database:

From the actions menu, select create

Then click startup. Change to the EXASolution main page. It should look like this:

Now you have a 2+1 Cluster running on VirtualBox – have fun with it 🙂

  1. #1 von M. Hens. am Dezember 7, 2018 - 18:00

    Is it right that a licensed non-free version of Exasol is needed for running such a cluster in VirtualBox?

  1. Recover dropped tables with Virtual Access Restore in #Exasol | Uwe Hesse

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